2019 March “Ces Portes entreouvertes qui filtrent le monde” interview with Claire Finburgh in Theâtre Public No 231
2015 Immemorial – chapter in Archive and Affect ed. Giulia Palladini, Marco Pustianaz, Katarzyna Torz
2013 Article in PAJ – Performing Arts Journal No 107
2011 Theatre in Pieces A Girl Skipping playtext/essay ed Anna Furse, Methuen 2011 ISBN 978-1-4081-3996-7
2011 Think inside the Sketchbook Gillian Robinson, Alison Mountain, David Hulston NSEAD 2011 text/image ISBN 970-0-00-743479-4
2010 Linked – chapter in Searching for Art’s New Publics ed Jeni Walwin University of Chicago Press 2010 ISBN: 9781841503110
2006 Two into One : One into Two. Navigating the Unknown – ed Christopher Bannerman/Jane Watt ISBN: 1 904750 55 9 Middlesex University Press 2006
2006 Through the Wrong End of the Telescope. Performance and Place – ed Leslie Hill and Helen Paris. Palgrave Macmillan 2006 ISBN 1403945047
2006 Linked – A Public Walk of Art with Toby Butler An Oral History Reader 2nd Edition ed Robert Perks/Alistair Thomson 2006 ISBN 0 415 34303 8
2005 Linked – a landmark in sound, a public walk of art with Toby Butler Cultural Geographies vol 12 No1 2005 ISSN 1474 4740
2000 Overhead Projection in Small Acts at the Millennium – ed Adrian Heathfield. Black Dog Press 2000 ISBN 1 901033 57 0
2000 Architecturally Speaking – Country Dance. Ed Alan Read ISBN 0-415-23544-8 Routledge 2000