Since 2006 Graeme Miller has visited places around the world where migrants have fallen from aircraft.  As the planes approach airports and lower their wheels, so they fall to the ground. BEHELD captures these charged and neglected sites often to be found in the suburban hinterlands of cities.

In this work glass vessels are charged with 180º images taken at locations where the bodies of stowaways have fallen from aircraft. On lifting these bowls they resonate with the sound of their locations.

This is an ongoing work now shown both in its full form with glass bowls and a more transportable form with the majority of images shown in glass lenses.

The work that began in London with 10 sites has been shown extensively in galleries and festivals internationally, most recently in Festival Belluard Bollwerk, Fribourg, (CH) and at Performing Mobilities, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne.

Miller has continued to document this continuing phemomenon, a small yet acute fragment of the deaths that occur in migration. Many sites remain that have not been photographed or exhibited.

BEHELD was produced by Artsadmin and originally created at Dilston Grove, London with Café Gallery Projects, with financial support from Arts Council England and the Henry Moore Foundation.